How to Care for Your Kids' Clothes: Tips for Longevity

The climate of Australia is diverse and sometimes extreme. This kind of climate requires special attention when it comes to caring for children’s clothing. Australia has high UV index and intense sunlight so the colors of the clothes can fade and the fabric can breakdown easily.
During hot summers clothes are subject to dirt, sand and sweat so washed frequently resulting in breakdown of fabric. So, proper kids’ clothes care results in better condition of clothes and less need to buy outfits again and again. Let’s explore some tips for washing kids clothes properly.
Read the care label and follow that because these labels provide specific instructions for that fabric.
Use mild detergents
Use cold water to wash clothes in hot regions to preserve fabric.
Turn the clothes inside out
Dry clothes in shaded area to avoid direct sunlight exposure.
Use cold or lukewarm water if there is any stain on the clothes because warm water sets the stain permanently.
If kids’ clothes have any stains pre-treat them before washing.
Make sure that clothes are clean before drying because when clothes are dry the remaining stains will become almost impossible to remove later.
Dealing with Common Issues: Stains, Wear, and Tear from Outdoor Play
You might be thinking that we do follow all laundry care tips but sometimes we get so stubborn stains of mud, grass or sunscreen during outdoor play that we have to be harsh on clothes to remove those stains. I have also experienced the same situation. Let me share how to deal with these common issues and how to wash kids clothes properly.

Mud stains
Let the mud dry: Never wash the mud stain when its wet instead let it dry completely and try to remove it as much as possible with brush.
Soak in cold water: After removing the dry mud, soak the clothes in cold water with a little amount of detergent to get rid of stain.
Use a stain remover: If the mark of stain is left, then use a stain remover. The paste of baking soda and water is a good option if you don’t have stain remover at home. It works good. You should let the stain remover stay on clothes for 10-15, minutes.

Grass stains
Use white vinegar: Although grass stains are hard to remove but a magical tip is to use white vinegar for these stains. You have to take one 1/3 cup vinegar and 2/3 cup water and blot the stain in this solution.
Rubbing alcohol or methylated spirit: To break chlorophyll in grass stains alcohol or methylated spirit work well.
Pre-treat with detergents: A pre-treatment detergent is also very useful tip. You have to rub it into stain and let it sit for 30 mints and then wash.

Sunscreen stains
Blot, don’t rub: Sunscreen leaves oily marks so it’s better to blot it with a paper towel. Never rub such stains because stains are spread by rubbing.
Dish soap: Use dish soap directly on the stain and let it sits for 10-15 minutes.
Baking soda and vinegar: Sprinkle baking soda and then spray vinegar on it. Let it stay for few minutes and then wash the stain.

These tips about how to maintain kids’ clothes can be helpful for you if you are facing such problems. By following the best practices for kids clothing care, kids’ clothes look new so you don’t need to replace them after using few times.
Browse now to get a variety of durable Australian made kids clothing. You will find the best outfits for your little ones under the age of 3-8 and 9-13 years.